Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tips For Saving Money On Your Power Bill During The Holidays

  electrician-300x200.jpg electrician For most of us, winter can be one of the busiest times of the year, what with relatives staying, holiday parties and treacherous weather to deal with. Dealing with an electrician isn’t normally something we think about during this time of year, but one of the tell tale signs of winter is an electric bill that seems to soar out of control. You will no doubt see the it reflected in your power bill as you put out that awesome Christmas light display, or run your heat more often. But as you start adjusting that HVAC system, here are a few tips from a qualified electrician to keep your energy bills a little lower…. Put Your Christmas Lights On A Timer. It seems more than ever that people are constantly outdoing one another with their extravagant light displays at Christmas. While we all love to see them, they do burn quite a bit of power during the month of December! There have been people who have advocated the discontinued use of Christmas lights during the holiday season in order to conserve energy, but instead of getting rid of that Christmas fun and cheer, you can put your lights on a timer that will run them only a few hours in the evenings after dark. These timers will prevent you from accidentally running the lights all night long and they’re very easy to operate. The use of LED lights will save you even more due to their energy efficiency. If you have enormous displays of Christmas lights, contact your local electrician to make sure they are running safely and efficiently. Set Your Thermostat At Lower Temps. Obviously, we’re talking about heat here. If it’s cold outside, then keep your heat just below where you would be comfortable indoors and wear a sweater if you get chilled slightly. Doing this will save a lot of money on your power bill! Likewise, if you’re still running air conditioning during the winter months, try to keep it as warm as you can, rather than letting it run constantly. Even if your air is running, you most likely have milder days, which will allow for less A.C. use. You will be surprised at what this will save on your electric bill. Use Cold Water For Laundry. This isn’t just in winter, but in all seasons. Cold water almost always gets your clothes just as clean as warm water, but without the extra energy needed to heat it. Washing in only cold water can save a tremendous amount that you will actually notice on your bill. It’s also a great way to conserve energy. If you need more ideas and tips to make your home more energy efficient, call your local electrician Myrtle Beach. Electrical contractors specialize in this field everyday and see the ways energy is wasted, as well as saved. They can help you with a home energy audit, which will let you learn about lots of small ways you can save money. We all would love to save money during the holiday season, so be sure and utilize these tips and you will be amazed at the difference it makes!

For more information about safe use of electricity this Christmas season, call Myrtle Beach Electrician Pros today!

MB Electrician Pros Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-353-6345 electriciansmyrtlebeach.com


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